Monthly Archives: April 2014

20 February 2014 Another fun day in Hong Kong

Today, I found a very good noodle place close to my hostel in Monkok. Its Chinese name is 雲南桂林過橋米線. Its English name is Traditional Chinese Noodle. Besides messing up the plural of noodle, I think that they could have come up with a better English name than just Traditional Chinese Noodle.  I would maybe call it Yunnan and Guilin guoqiao rice noodles, or maybe traditional Yunnan and Guilin noodles. I went to my favourite pizzeria in Hong Kong again today, which is called Paisano’s. Afterwards, I had some delicious ice cream again from an ice cream truck. Randomly, I took a picture of the picture of a sign of the building where my hostel was. The building in Chinese is called 先施大廈. In English it is called Sincere House.

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